I’m soraya

Behind the vision — meet Soraya, teaching women to reconnect with themselves

Behind the person

From a hobby to full-time content creator

My journey to content creation happened on accident but on time. Long story short I was on the customs lines in Mexico for a solo trip. On that line me and this guy I was dating for a very long time ended things. I was TIRED YALL! Sick of tired of the games and inconsistency. More importantly I was tired of allowing people to mistreat me. I was tired of mistreating myself. So a regular solo trip turned into a self love trip, where I intentionally pour backed back into me and I made a promise to myself and God that I was going to love me again.
I lost myself and it was freeing to be able to express myself the best way I knew how, journaling & taking photos. Before Instagram I have always been taking photos and videos. I was creating content before I knew it was even a thing!
When my photoshoot when viral and from the hat moment I was introduced to a whole new world! I would watch the OG YouTubers one day wishing it would be me because I knew I could do it but my insecurity and fear held me back so much. Also how I viewed myself as well. “I’m not pretty enough or I am too dark” who would really want to listen to me..
Man God shifted my world around and now 3 years later I am a Full time creator & working with brands I had only dreamed to ever work with! Most importantly connecting with women all over the world and speaking to the thing that’s called confidence.

Why I created this blog

Welcome to my visual diary

I wanted to create a space for women to feel empowered and confident within themselves. Not allowing insecurities or fear hold them back from doing what they care called to do. 

Also, share my journey as I continue to build my relationship with God because that is super important to me and lastly, my journey from being laid off to being paid! 

My pain literally turned into passion. There has been so much that has happened in my life and now I am ready to truly share all things when it comes to my personal growth and development.

This blog and community is for you if you are sick and tired of no longer operating your life on your own strength. You want to do it Gods way! You want to fight fear and kill your insecurities and walk confidently in the best thing you’ve been praying for.

If that you then come on in for the journey! You are in for a ride

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Things I’m currently into

Exploring new connections with other creators & business owners

Getting consistent with my spiritual life

Building a profitable online business

Discovering new solo date spots all over Houston